Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Speed bumps

Well, our first week of school has hit a major speed bump yet again with more kids getting sick along with myself. This is the second year in a row that we manged to get sick right at the start of our school year. My initial reaction was to cry in frustration but then I realized that I needed to be more flexible and just go with it. Fighting the uncontrollable is always a losing battle, but seeing the blessing even through the rain (which Oahu is getting a lot of it right now) is far more important. Stuck in the house taking care of all my sickies helped me illustrate to the little ones how to serve with a joyful heart. We talk so much about serving others, putting others first, but to young children, what does that look like? When we can live what we teach, practice what we preach, our children will model the behavior with deeper understanding. You can tell your daughter, "go help so and so," and she'll do it, but is she doing ut because she was told to do so or because she recognized a need? Our goal is to teach them to be a light, an example of Jesus in other people's lives. It was such a delight to see my girls getting each other their "sick blankets" a cup of water, their medicine, and singing to each other - all the little comforts we need when we're under the weather.

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