Monday, September 7, 2015

Did You Hear About....

As ladies, we have a natural tendency to talk...a lot! If you're a stay at home mom, you probably take to social media, be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. If you have a career or work outside the home then the break room or the water cooler is a common area to share in the "did you hear about..." Whether it's "verifying facts" or sharing an opinion, let's face it, it's still gossip. I'm so guilty of this, as I'm sure a lot of us are. The tongue, as small as it is, can cause so much damage if used for evil. It's a lose-lose situation. According to Proverbs 16:28, A dishonest person spreads strife, and a whisperer (gossiper) separates close friends. Yes ladies, relationships, friendships, and trust can be destroyed when you make a decision to spread the latest news, the latest scandle, or even the latest fortune. How we say things are just as important as what we say. You could simply be sharing the news about a co-working expecting her 2nd baby, but the way it's said makes a difference in how it is perceived or taken. I like the illustration of the lightning bolt versus the lightning rod.
A lightning bolt strike reaches out and strikes an object and transfers heat which in turn could cause severe damage. A lightning rod is part of a protection system that absorbs the strike, the heat and grounds it out with purpose of minimizing or preventing damage altogether. Now, gossip or backbiting happens around you, that is your lightning. You now have to decide, are you a like a lightning bolt or a lightning rod? Are you going to stop the negative talk, ground it out, or will you let someone or something go up in flames? Something to think about.....

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